Virtual Classroom

It is a service that allows companies to set up and schedule their classes online. Through virtual learning platforms, Aufiservices helps organizations create interactive and collaborative educational environments. This service facilitates the delivery of courses, trainings and training programs, providing flexibility and remote access to the participants.
Aufiservices virtual classrooms are designed to adapt to the specific needs of each client, providing communication tools, progress monitoring and evaluation.

Enhance the Learning Experience

The rapid changes that have driven digital transformation in business and education require more agile methodologies and tools that allow us to continue to innovate and offer better services.

That is why, to provide continuity for learning and the continuity of companies, we present Aufidesk virtual classrooms that connect work teams so that they are part of the future.

What is needed?

A desktop computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet with these specifications:

All Our Benefits

Collaborators, students and professors will be able to access from their own computer, a high-performance equipment with all the necessary licenses and software to optimize the productivity of businesses or virtual classes.


The physical location does not matter! In this new era of hyper-connectivity, we need to have a hybrid work environment that is beneficial for everyone, being able to provide agile and fast systems to use anytime and anywhere. Our virtual desktops with HPE Cloud systems offer availability, speed and agility so you never stop.


The current situation, the distance and the constant temporary interruptions will not be an obstacle to keep you moving forward. Our desktop virtualization system powered by HPE will keep your university or company from stopping for no reason.


Get a machine made to meet your company’s needs and goals with a “pay as you go” model enabled by HPE and make the best use of your resources. With our virtual desktops, you take high maintenance costs, depreciation, taxes and operating expenses out of the equation.


Enhance the education and business experience! Give your students and your work team the necessary tools to increase their productivity, focus on acquiring skills and forget about solving technical problems. Rapid changes have led to the digital transformation in business and education requiring more agile tool methodologies that allow us to continue innovating and offering better services. That is why, to provide continuity for companies’ learning and productivity, we present Aufidesk virtual desktops, which connect work teams to be part of the future. A desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet with a few specifications is all you need to offer Aufidesk.


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