Aufiero Informática


VFX Media And Entertainment


Enfocus creates the most versatile file management automation software for print and beyond, delivered by a global community of experts and solution partners.

Enfocus’ various products enable you to offer cutting-edge solutions for any of the following businesses:

*Large format printing

*Commercial printers


*Newspapers or any other publication.

The software developed by Enfocus will allow you to integrate different applications. It will unite your MIS with your online store and at the same time with your printing systems. Enfocus products will help you take the next step you need to automate your processes, including: online file correction, order receipt and management, the imposition process, and more.


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Switches Automation your way

Connect everything to everything. Switch is the only true workflow automation platform.Switch connect:
  • MY
  • Web-to-print
  • Imposition
  • Online tests
  • PDF Preflight
  • And everything else
The path to automation is built on connections. Integration starts with connecting business systems into a single automated workflow.Switch is the only platform that automates your processes regardless of your applications or printing devices.
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Fully open platform

Connectivity with everything, whether it is just an installation or a totally customized assembly.Switch is a platform that lets you design your workflow using your favorite apps, supported by a global network of partners and solution builders that integrate and extend the capabilities of Switch.Build your way.
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PitStop Server is the automation of Preflight in PDF files

PitStop Server brings powerful quality control and automation features to your PDF production process:
  • Monitors multiple file delivery points, such as FTP servers, emails, and HotFolders on the network.
  • Intelligently directs your files to PitStop Server for preflighting and proofing PDFs
  • Allows full automation of the delivery and archiving of production files
PitStop Server automates the upload, preflight, and repair of PDF files, providing access to features that extend your concept of workflow automation.
PitStop illustration
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Key features

  • Use existing PitStop Preflight Profiles and Action Lists
  • Automated preflight and correction of PDFs
  • Automated redefinition of PDF files
  • PDF transparency docker
  • PDF Color Management
  • Automatic capture and delivery via FTP and email
  • Sorting, routing, renaming and archiving files
  • Split and merge PDF files
  • Compress and unzip work folders (zip-unzip)
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Pit Stop Pro Preflight your way

The most complete PDF tool for prepress:
  • Reliable application of Preflighting and editing PDF files for printing
  • Automated repairs that make prepress more efficient
  • Global user base over 135,000
  • Adobe Acrobat® plugin ensures standardized PDF
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PDF validation (ie Preflight)

  • PitStop Pro is the industry standard for PDF validation. It is the only tool that offers power over PDF to prepress. PitStop resolves the preflight application, editing, repairing and reporting any incidents in the PDF that your staff will face.

    Interactive Preflight Report

    PitStop Pro will generate a Preflight report based on the reference controls you choose. The interactive report can be as basic or as detailed as required to satisfy your customer.A PitStop Pro Preflight report contains a clickable list of warnings and errors that visually indicate exactly where the problem lies.
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Griffin: the wide-format nesting powerhouse

Automate and improve your job nesting with Griffin – the award-winning, true shape nesting imposition software. Getting started is simple and the payoff for your print business is huge.

  • Easy to use: Designed to be used, not pondered over, Griffin makes incredibly powerful tools accessible through a simple interface.

  • Automated Nesting: Smart, fast nesting is at the core of the Griffin toolkit. It’s won awards and saved countless hours of manual nesting and imposition.

  • Universal Device Support:Griffin fits right in with your current technology, so you can make the most out of existing investments while seeing big efficiency gains.

Phoenix2Switch: intelligent planning, imposing results

Phoenix2Switch stands at the crossroads of Switch’s automation finesse and Phoenix’s AI-powered planning and imposition genius. It brings unparalleled efficiency, savings, and speed to every type of print business.

If you want superior imposition while slashing time and costs through world-leading job planning, Phoenix2Switch is ready to become your indispensable ally.

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