Aufiero Informática



Gen AI Low-Code test automation tool for end-to-end automation of web-based applications, covering end-to-end API, database, functional, visual and UI testing.


smarter insights faster test cases

for testers!

Los usuarios pueden escribir escenarios de casos de prueba en inglés y automatizarlos con Virtual Automation Engineer.

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Accelerate your testing process

Optimize efficiency, improve speed, automate tasks, streamline workflows, detect errors quickly, ensure reliability, increase productivity and accelerate development.

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Accelerated test creation with Accuracy

10x faster test case creation with precision using our Gen AI-powered testing authoring algorithm, complemented by a user-friendly UI.

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Enhanced Test Coverage with Intelligent Suggestions

Intelligently understands the application and suggests targeted scenarios for increased test coverage and early bug detection.

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45% Reduction in total cost of test automation

45% reduction in the total cost of test automation, providing substantial cost savings while maintaining high-quality testing standards.

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Improved Release Efficiency with Smart Insights & Self-Healing

Utilising advanced analytics and Self-Healing, BotGauge minimises manual intervention, reduces error rates, and accelerates the time-to-market.

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¡La productividad aumentó!

Explore innovation and quality in our product. Uncover unique features that redefine expectations and elevate your experience. Discover excellence today!

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¡Costos de prueba reducidos!


Explore our FAQs for quick insights. Find answers to common queries, enhancing understanding and ensuring a seamless experience for you.

Yes, please sign up for a free trial here

UI, Functional, API, DB and visual testing can be done using BotGauge.

Web based application as of now. We will be supporting Mobile app testing soon.

Yes, we will start supporting available CI/CD tools. Meanwhile you can use our exposed APIs to integrate it with your apps.

Yes, you can run multiple tests in parallel based on your licence.

Unlimited users can login per licence.

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